It’s sad that we are in a world of uncertainty due to the deadly COVID19 virus epidemic. I feel helpless myself but social distancing is one of the only solutions the whole world concludes. Thanks to the digital world where we can afford to maintain the social distance and get our things done by online e-commerce platforms. Sadly it is still not enough and available to many parts of India and many other places in the world.
I see that the majority of the people particularly elders who live away from their dear ones due to work depend on nearby local people for many of their urgent needs, whose lives are unfortunately affected by this disease.
Covid19 made every one locked inside their house. Being locked in we are constantly in search of help or happiness around us. I tried to find a simple solution and presenting here a simple app that helps connect people with mascots/angels who can help and bring a smile.

I tried my best to make this app as simple as possible for everyone’s use. People or entities who CAN HELP are called mascots and People who NEED HELP are Users.
Some of the silent features are …
- No sign-up required, it is ultra-simple and easy to use.
- Doctors, Police, Social workers, Shops, Hospitals, Small business or anyone who gives some help or service to the community act as Mascots.
- Local small businesses can use this platform to publish their offers for the day.
- Users find nearby mascots within the 5km range.
- Users once found the mascots they are hooked to the realtime data.
- Users don’t receive any stale data as every msg expires in 24 hours.
- Mascot can update their availability status anytime they feel busy.
- None of the user/mascot data is saved in the server.
- Used mqtt protocol which is stable in unstable and low bandwidth networks.
- TODO :
- Verify phone numbers and emails. Now the app assumes that mascots are kind and would share valid contacts with the users.
- Notifications. At times it annoying for users so deprioritized.
- Use chat message window instead of call/phone someone ( server supports chat )
WHO ARE MASCOTS: Doctors, Social workers, Community heroes even small businesses whoever can bring a smile to the nearby community. I call them mascots who brings us a bright new smile every day.
I couldn’t be faster than the spread sorry about that, this is a hearty effort to help the community in some way that I could. I will be very much happy if my effort can help even
I couldn’t be faster than the spread sorry about that, this is a hearty effort to help the community in some way that I could. I will be very much happy if my effort can help even one person in the world at this time of crisis. Try this, spread this and share your feedback with me as well as encourage others and help the community.
I would like to thank Doctors, Community leaders, Social workers also service providers who are the real heroes and offering their selfless help and door to door service to people who are in need including my son for running this challenge.
Download this android app here https://bit.ly/mobilemascot